USA triples Portugal investment

Chinese investment through golden visas fell by 60% in the first quarter, compared to the same period in 2021, to 20.7 million euros, according to data requested by Lusa from the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF).

In the first quarter of last year, China led the top 5 by nationalities of the Residence Permit for Investment (ARI) program, with an amount raised of 51.7 million euros and 100 golden visas granted. This year, the number has dropped to 43 permits.

USA moves up

In the first three months of this year, the United States leads the table, with China moving into second place, with an accumulated investment until the end of March of 20.7 million euros, which represents a drop of more than half (59, 9%) compared to the same period in 2021.

Read the news HERE.

Source: The Portugal News

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