Taguspark provides access to the largest conference on Artificial Intelligence

Article By: Taguspark


Taguspark – City of Knowledge is an official partner of “_AIV ØLUT1Ø N_The Transformative Power of Artificial Intelligence”, the conference that brings together brilliant people who want to understand and explore the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on their organizations at MEO Arena – Sala Tejo.

Scheduled for May 29, the conference, promoted by Knower, will be attended by renowned speakers and pioneers in the technological analysis of the future.

Among them, António Damásio, the scientist Portuguese based in the United States, who will speak on the theme “The Science of Consciousness in the scenario of Artificial Intelligence”, Gerd Leonhard (futurist and humanist, author of “Technology vs. Humanity” and CEO of The Futures Agency), Manuel Dias (National Technology Officer & Executive Board Member at Microsoft), Sara Guerreiro Sousa (Product Manager of AI Innovation at Unbabel Labs & Center for AI) and Patrícia Milheiro (AI Services Director at Singularity, Devoteam Group).

On the discussion panels are names such as Ricardo Parreira (PHC Software) or Ana Margarida Almeida (@AlticeLabs), companies based in Taguspark.

As a conference partner, Taguspark offers a 20% discount on each ticket. To do this, you just have to use the code “kim2024taguspark” at the time of purchase.

Tickets in: https://blueticket.meo.pt/Event/10571/

More information at: https://aivolution.knower.pt/

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